Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Kena tinggal ;(

Tepat hari ni cukup setahun umur perkahwinan kami. Tapi tapi tapi..huu...qist kena tinggal seorang diri..sob sob T_T

Semalam en suami bertolak balik kelantan untuk hadir temuduga kerja esok. Qist tak berapa selesa nak travel dalam masa 2 hari sahaja sebab mabuk kereta. En suami buat keputusan lepas interview esok nak balik terus.

So sekarang qist dengan tabahnya menunggu kepulangan en suami.

Anyways, happy anniversary sayang. Hopefully this year we will be bless with additional member into our small family. Good luck with your interview!

Friday, March 20, 2015

My new pet

Can you guys guest what kind of new pet that i'm going to ramble about??ce teka ce teka :p

Haha..kalau korang follow instagram qist yg ada kat sebelah kiri tu mesti korang akan perasan yang qist ada pelihara kucing. Eventhough she's cute hyperactive and all, unfotunately she's being spoiled by my husband. Sigh ~

Now,the pet that i want to talk about is a plant. As you guys see in the picture..teehee 

Its a rose plant!! I ask my grandmother to give me one of her roses..mind you she has a lot ofplant at her house. The last time i went backwas during chinese new year. Then when i saw one of roses i said to myself i'm going tohave one these! and there you go finally igot myself one. 

Grandma teach me how to grow more roses from just one plant. I tried and succeeded in growing one more rose plant. I dont have the picture yet since it is small and unattractive. After it grows bigger than i'll show it to you. It was really easy though. You just cut off some of the branches especially the branch that already  flowers then put them in another pot. Just wait patiently and see if they going to live or die. Grandma said that one of the branches definitely going to grow and it really did!

Besides that, the other reason that you want to chop off the branches so that more flowers will grow! As the result of chopping off the branches i was expected to have 3 babies!! Unfortunately one them had been eaten by my cat and i blame my husband for this! I was really sad when i realized that one of the bud was missing. In the picture above was during the time it had 3 buds, but now there's only 2 left. Sobsob....

Okay enough with the rambling. I'm going to stop here. Hope you guys enjoy this post and feel free to follow or subscribe to my blog and left comments. Definitely want to know what you guys think. And of course i will update time to time for this particular plant of mine >.< 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Need to keep up the pace!

Gosh! I dont how many times i osted something like this on my blog. You guys must be bored to death.

Really sorry guys.

But at least i post one now right?