Saturday, August 17, 2013


salam semua~

sekali lagi…mintak maaf banyak2..dah dekat dua bulan tak update blog..been really i’ve gone through my

  • teaching practical
  • hopefully my last semester (exam final terlebih awal drpd org lain..sblm raya da hbs..yay!)
  • currently tutoring school students
  • starting to find job here and there~

that’s the summary of my life for the past 2 months..haha..enough of that…sebelum terlambat qist nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya kepada semua pembaca dan maaf zahir batin~ harap2 lepas ni qist dapat update blog kerap sikit..insyaallah..actually qist da plan banyak post yang qist nak update..cuma tangan ini tak berapa rajin nak hopefully i’ll post up all the things that i want to share with you girls especially~

tak macam blogger lain qist tak dapat nak post cam OOTDs..MUOTDs..dan sebagainya..since family qist just bersederhana sahaja..qist pun xde ongkos mau buat semua itu..and makeup opkos sederahana sahaja..

but then i decided to share with you guys pics of my family that we took every year..ikut tema tau color baju..ngehehe


2011-08-30 09.53.54


ok2..dapat share 3 tahun je..yang lain gambar entah kemana..i think my mum still keeps them..but then i’m currently not at there you go~

latest qist tak sempat nak beli lens so end up being nerdy..memang raya tahun ni biiiiirrrruuuu~~satu rumah biru..nasib baik dalam gambar nampak lagi tuan2 rumahnya..errmm..hopfully xde org salah faham la sis wanted turqoise but it’s hard to fine the kain that suit my mom’s taste..we already did black and white last year will be red!haha..da plan awal2.. ^_^

thats it guys..till next post~