Thursday, December 20, 2012

Annual Grand Dinner 2012


this is my last year that i’ll spend as a student..i decided to join the dinner organized by SCIENCESS…so they give us final year students invitation cards


the fees was rm40 (cekik darah betul)…and the theme was masquerade and elegence…hmm…a little bit different..tapi bila korang google kan ada je kolej or universiti lain yang buat dinner bertemakan yang ni.. ;p


this is the mask i wore that night..actually i made this myself so you guys wont find it anywhere..ngehehe..ok terlebih bajet…ehem2..qist hanya beli mask kosong putih tu je then hias sendiri..just simple and nice but at least different from others ;) (and please ignore the background of the picture..haha)


so this pretty much about the food…but these for 40..hmm~~korang faham2 sendiri la ye…tak nak komen lebih2..haha..but overall ok la…since we dont really went there to just eat…the main reason i joined because i wanted to have fun and create more memories with my friends ^.-


this is how i looked that night..caye tak shawl yang qist pakai tu petang tu baru sampai..haha..last minute coordination…my eye makeup nak sama ngn natural makeup yang qist post sebelum ni..tapi qist ‘smokey’ kan sikit dengan tambah warna hitam…and blusher qist gune lipstick yang qist pakai malam tu..haha..


with my classmates a.k.a roomies for 2 years and more…you only get to see us dress like this once a while…kalau qist melawa mcm ni hari2 memang kena bahan la..and i dont really have that kind of time make-myself-up everyday..=p


somehow its funny seeing us wearing the masks..haha..a little weird for me…then again..its nice to gather with all of them like this..especially when u’re a final year student..

and i will cherish these moments forever~ :’)

Friday, December 14, 2012

natural makeup


long time no see~

been very busy lately…minggu lepas qist ade bukak booth jual hasil kerja tangan qist..tapak booth kongsi dengan kawan2..alhamdulillah hasil jualan pun ok..thanks for supporting guys! ok..enough of that…dah lari tajuk da~

so..this time nak kongsi dengan u guys makeup versi qist punye..tapi ni bkn tutorial makeup ye…mungkin boleh dijadikan ilham for u guys =)

ini adalah natural makeup dengan guna earth tone color..sangat natural dan sesuai kepada yang x suka makeup color yang striking (opss! qist la org nye..shh)


so this is how it looks like…very natural kan?x nampak macam pakai makeup pn..haha

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qist letak bronze color kat seluruh kelopak mata then letak dark brown di bahadian bawah mata hampir dgn bulu mata..kat atas ni nampak mcm qist x pakai eyeliner kan?tp bila bkk nmpak mcm ada the trick is tightlining…qist letak eyeliner di bahagian bawah bulu mata..


so this is one of natural makeup that i like..=) sesuai utk korang yang x suka makeup yang tebal2..

see u guys again in the next post ^^.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

end of October haul ^^.

salam readers~
just want to post something before october ends..time moves so fast! sempat lagi qis shopping2 akhir bulan ni..nak buat camne..akhir bulan ni la dapat duit nye..^_^v
so..i have bought 2 things
qis beli 1 kotak face pack dan 1 kotak nose strip..face pack tu harga dia rm19.90..nose strip pulak rm9.90..
ni 1st time beli face pack 1 kotak sebab lagi jimat daripada beli satu2 je..lagipun qis rasa better pakai face pack yang sama untuk dapat kesan yang optimum..cewah...korang pun tau kan face pack ni ada macam2 jenis…kalau minggu ni pakai untuk whitening then minggu depan pakai untuk pores..memang tak dapat results yang kita nak…sebab kebanyakan face pack keberkesanannya hanya bertahan tak sampai 24 jam pun…untuk dapat result yang kekal kena la pakai secara berterusan kan?
ada lima keping face pack so akan bertahan sebulan…qis selalunya pakai face pack seminggu sekali shj…so ni la antara pejagaan muka mingguan qis..pakai face pack…qis prefer whitening sebab selalu duk ngadap matahari..kulit jadi gelap…yang ni main ingredient dia blueberry tau!
so product ke-2 yang qis selalu pakai mingguan adalah nose strip…hidung qis ni memang ada banyak whiteheads and blackheads…brand ni antara yang paling berkesan yang pernah qis pakai..memang keluar semua biji2 putih tu…
yang 1 kotak ada 6…kedua2 barang ni qis beli kat korang boleh la jenguk2 kat sana kalau berkenan =)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

[review] johnson’s body care oxygen fresh gel lotion

salam redears~

here goes my first review..but why a johnson’s lotion? i’m sure everybody know about this product…especially when johnson asked some famous bloggers to review about this…

at first i was skeptic about what they said…that this particular lotion when you put it on your skin, you dont feel anything…kononnya senang serap spread and doesnt feel sticky after you apply it..

2012-09-18 15.34.36 

when i went shopping with my family i saw this on the rack…kebetulan tengah cari lotion time tu..1st impression bau dia sangat2 best..tak macam lotion lain..texture dia tak sepekat lotion biasa..because of the nice fragrance i decided to buy i’m very picky when it comes to fragrance since i have a very sensitive nose..

first time pakai memang impress dengan lotion ni..senang menyerap dan tak rasa melekit pun lepas tu….kulit betul2 rasa fresh lepas pakai…i’m seriously amazed by this product…smells really nice and does what it claim to do…and more importantly it doesnt feel sticky like other lotion does…

so this is why i decided to make a review on this product..since it just so amazing!hopefully i can write another post soon..till then~ ^^

Thursday, October 4, 2012

[tips] wooden comb

salam alls~

akhirnya qis miliki jugak sikat kayu ni.dah lama dah nak beli…kepada yang pentingkan kesihatan rambut dan ingin dapatkan rambut yang cantik, wooden is a must in your collection. so, disini qis nak kongsikan salah satu tips daripada penjagaan rambut =)


ini sikat kayu qis…murah je..dalam 3.90…ada jugak jenis mahal..depends dengan kualiti kayu tu…

kenapa sikat kayu?sebab ianya lagi bagus daripada guna sikat plastik. antara sebabnya ialah:

  • sikat plastik adalah kasar untuk kulit kepala kita. sikat kayu lebih lembut dan polished. sape2 yang kulit kepala sensitif better guna sikat kayu
  • sikat kayu membantu menyebarkan minyak dari kulit kepala ke rambut. dengan ini boleh elakkan kulit kepala daripada berminyak!
  • tak macam sikat plastik, sikat kayu tak menghasilkan statik yang boleh merosakkan rambut kita.

Memang qis ada rasa perbezaan antara guna yang plastik dan kayu punya. dengan sikat kayu rambut rasa lembut je dan tak kusut. kulit kepala qis pun rasa lebih selesa je sekarang.Of course its depends on the quality of the wood. Yang qis beli yang murah ni pun dapat rasa beza nya apatah lagi yang mahal?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

[book] Angel

salam alls~

kali ni qis nak cerita pasal buku yang baru habis baca minggu ni…buku ni ni dah lama qis beli tapi tak terbaca lagi sebelum cuti sem baru ni…for your information..qis memang kaki buku fiction..specifically teenage novels..haha..why this genre?because they are easier to understand since my vocab are not that broad..dan paling penting qis memang suka fiction..more thrilling~

i’ve read harry potters series,twilight saga (and btw breaking dawn is the best among the 4!),house of nights (also about vampires @_@)…this time is about angel


penulis ni sangat la kreatif…boleh plak dia buat angel ni lah yang evil dalam buku ni…maksud qis yang jahat adalah angel tu…synopsys~

willow knows she’s different from other girls. and not just because she loves tinkering around with cars. willow has a gift. she can look into people’s futures, know their dreams, their hopes and their regrets, just by touching them. she has no idea where she gets this power from…

but alex does. gorgeous, mysterious alex knows willow’s secret and is on a mission to stop her. the dark forces within willow make her dangerous-and irresistible. in spite of himself, alex finds he is falling in love with his sworn enemy (this is the best part i tell u!)”

qis memang suka cerita genre macam!bukan pasal romantic semata-mata…yang tak best ada sequal dia..akan keluar october ni…macam cerita lain..dalam sequal nanti ada watak lelaki lain..and relationship diorang berdua nanti mesti kena kacau…tu yang tak best nye~ini tekaan je..tak tau lagi camne..haha..kena baca dulu baru tau~

Saturday, September 8, 2012

first post…

salam readers~

so this is my first post (for this blog..haha)..actually this is my second blog…i’ve decided to make a new blog for myself so that i can start anew in this blogging first blog was like a mess…i blog almost about everything..and i plan to that here too mind you…its just that in my first blog i dont really blog often so its a bit messy in terms of its content…

so hopefully in this blog it will be organized in terms of its content…how often will i blog??that depends since i’m a final year student now…fuhh..cant believe that i will be leaving my student life so soon!

i’ve been thinking to do reviews here…i found that reviews does help me a lot in finding and surveying i hope that my reviews can help others too…=) this blog will also be in bilingual…english and malay..depends on my mood actually and readers of course…so tell me which you prefer~

till next time

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a picture of myself in case u guys curios..=p