Wednesday, September 19, 2012

[book] Angel

salam alls~

kali ni qis nak cerita pasal buku yang baru habis baca minggu ni…buku ni ni dah lama qis beli tapi tak terbaca lagi sebelum cuti sem baru ni…for your information..qis memang kaki buku fiction..specifically teenage novels..haha..why this genre?because they are easier to understand since my vocab are not that broad..dan paling penting qis memang suka fiction..more thrilling~

i’ve read harry potters series,twilight saga (and btw breaking dawn is the best among the 4!),house of nights (also about vampires @_@)…this time is about angel


penulis ni sangat la kreatif…boleh plak dia buat angel ni lah yang evil dalam buku ni…maksud qis yang jahat adalah angel tu…synopsys~

willow knows she’s different from other girls. and not just because she loves tinkering around with cars. willow has a gift. she can look into people’s futures, know their dreams, their hopes and their regrets, just by touching them. she has no idea where she gets this power from…

but alex does. gorgeous, mysterious alex knows willow’s secret and is on a mission to stop her. the dark forces within willow make her dangerous-and irresistible. in spite of himself, alex finds he is falling in love with his sworn enemy (this is the best part i tell u!)”

qis memang suka cerita genre macam!bukan pasal romantic semata-mata…yang tak best ada sequal dia..akan keluar october ni…macam cerita lain..dalam sequal nanti ada watak lelaki lain..and relationship diorang berdua nanti mesti kena kacau…tu yang tak best nye~ini tekaan je..tak tau lagi camne..haha..kena baca dulu baru tau~

Saturday, September 8, 2012

first post…

salam readers~

so this is my first post (for this blog..haha)..actually this is my second blog…i’ve decided to make a new blog for myself so that i can start anew in this blogging first blog was like a mess…i blog almost about everything..and i plan to that here too mind you…its just that in my first blog i dont really blog often so its a bit messy in terms of its content…

so hopefully in this blog it will be organized in terms of its content…how often will i blog??that depends since i’m a final year student now…fuhh..cant believe that i will be leaving my student life so soon!

i’ve been thinking to do reviews here…i found that reviews does help me a lot in finding and surveying i hope that my reviews can help others too…=) this blog will also be in bilingual…english and malay..depends on my mood actually and readers of course…so tell me which you prefer~

till next time

2011-12-24 18.59.47  

a picture of myself in case u guys curios..=p